Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Good

This is a beautiful song that I heard on one of Hayley's "Signing Time" DVDs. The co-creator of Signing Time wrote it for her husband. Their first child was born deaf and then their second child was born with hydrocephalus and spina bifida. I can't imagine the struggles and heartbreak that they have had to face. However, amid their challenges they have also found the greatest joy they could have ever imagined.

Every time (and I literally mean EVERY SINGLE TIME) I hear this song I cry. I relate to this song and it reminds me of all the hard times I've been through. It reminds me of the heartbreak and struggles that life can bring. Yet it also reminds me of the joys I have been blessed with.

I remember as newlyweds I had such great dreams for us. I thought everything would work out as I had planned it. I assumed we'd have the "fairy tale" life like I thought everyone had. I thought we'd get married, have kids, and be as happy as can be. I never could have imagined that we would end up burying our first child. I never could have imagined the years of infertility problems we would (and still will) face. I never imagined how hard life could be.

And yet, I never imagined how good it could be either.

Here are the lyrics for the song "The Good" written by Rachel Coleman. Hopefully I can figure out how to get the song on here one day. It is absolutely beautiful.

The Good
It was you and me and the whole world right before us
I couldn’t wait to start
I saw you and dreams just like everyone before us
We thought we knew what we got
And then one day I thought it slipped away
And I looked to my hands to hold on
And then one day all my fear slipped away
And my hands did so much more
So maybe we won’t find easy
But, baby, we’ve found the good
No, maybe we won’t find easy
But, baby, we’ve found the good!
It was you and me and a new world right before us
I was so scared to start
I saw you and dreams just like everyone before us
But how did they move so far?
And then one day I thought it slipped away
And I looked to my hands to hold you
And then one day all my fear slipped away
And my hands did so much more
So maybe we won’t find easy
But, baby, we’ve found the good
Maybe we won’t find easy
But, baby, we’ve found the good!

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